Pregnancy Shiatsu

‘Massage has had a positive effect on every condition we’ve looked at.’

-Tiffany Field PhD Touch Research Institute Miami.

What is shiatsu?

Shiatsu is a form of Japanese bodywork.
It literally means ‘finger push’ often known as acupressure and has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It works on rebalancing the energies of internal organs and meridians. A treatment is received fully clothed and includes gentle stretches, palm and finger pressure across the whole body.

Pregnancy can highlight stresses such as overwork, a chronic lack of rest and calm, physical or emotional trauma. These all contribute to blockages and imbalances within the system which may manifest in different ways such as pain, tension or fatigue. By tonifying or releasing, shiatsu encourages the body to rediscover its own balance. From a Western perspective, touch stimulates the release of endorphins, increases dopamine and serotonin levels, improves digestion, lowers heart rate and blood pressure and improves immune function. Touch during labour can have an immensely powerful effect.

 “I was coming up 12 days overdue and I was ready to get my body back! Megan gave me a wonderful massage. I felt so relaxed and I could feel my body responding to what Megan was doing. It was beautiful and I went into labour that night.” LG

What I Offer:

Pregnancy Shiatsu: 1 ¼ hour sessions.

Sessions are fully clothed and can include massage. It is an opportunity for you to connect with baby and prepare both physically and emotionally for birth. Should you wish, the space is there to talk through and clear any concerns or questions you have about birth or impending motherhood. Acupuncture points are known to be used in encouraging the natural induction of labour - I see it as creating the optimal conditions for baby and mum to move into this time of transition – when these conditions are in place, beautiful things can happen!   

Birth Preparation Session (usually with birth partner) 1 ½-2  hours.

This can include a debrief of previous birth(s), talking through birth choices, support in clarifying your birth wishes, experiencing optimal positions for labour and practising simple massage techniques for your birth partner to use. The time is for whatever you and your birth partner need.

‘As a new dad I found Megan was a calm and reassuring presence, before, during and after the birth of our first child, Zoe.’

Labour Attendance

Should you wish to extend your package to include birth support, I am always happy to do so subject to availability. Do contact me for a free initial meeting. Doula Support

Post-natal Shiatsu 1 ½ hours.

In many cultures the early weeks after giving birth is a time where women rest, recover, recuperate, stay at home (or even in bed), with no pressures other than to snuggle and feed their baby. The reality nowadays frequently includes other children to care for, little family availability for support and a partner who needs to return to work. It’s tough! Physically there are good reasons why taking the time for rest and healing is needed. I offer post-natal shiatsu sessions soon (days if you want) after birth and this is adapted to your needs. For some women, especially if you have birthed by Caesarean, it may be several weeks or months before abdominal work is done, but others find gentle holding enormously nourishing. I can include techniques from traditional ‘bone-closing’ ceremonies which feel wonderful! You may have PGP or pelvic floor issues, tight shoulders from breastfeeding or just really want the opportunity to lie down for an hour and receive a treatment. The sessions are extremely flexible, tailored to your needs and can always be given with breastfeeding in progress.

All visits are home visits. Pregnancy shiatsu sessions are best child-free if possible, post-natal can absolutely be done with new baby but an extra pair of hands is useful!

All sessions are £48/hour.

Please contact me to book a session or have a chat.

07932 353710