I work with the charity Pregnancy Sickness Support which offers information and advice for those suffering with Hyperemesis Gravidarum and NVP (nausea and vomiting in pregnancy) and am a breastfeeding supporter currently working with Brighton and Hove’s wonderful infant feeding team on the postnatal ward at the Royal Sussex County Hospital. I hold an enhanced DBS.
I am passionate about supporting women’s choices through pregnancy and birth. Through my work with refugee charities I offer doula services to newly arrived refugees and asylum seekers. Access to a safe and supportive birthing environment is the right of every woman regardless of their background and The Birthkeeping Project aims to bring together the resources to facilitate this.
Babies and women’s bodies know how to birth naturally and peacefully given the optimum conditions and I do my utmost to ensure these conditions are protected, whatever that means for you.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions, to book a session or just have a chat.