

Gosh, it’s been quite a year hasn’t it?

Whatever our circumstances, we have all been challenged and needed to dig deep into our resources. There has been the opportunity to discover new ways of being and connecting, however this time may have been profoundly exhausting especially as a new parent. As Spring emerges and the outward restrictions begin to undo, I am mindful to keep going gently - to give my body time to assimilate the events and uncertainties of the last year and to keep taking rest when I need to.

Our in-person connections have been altered for so long that it may take some time to feel comfortable in large social spaces, or even meeting with 3 or 4 people. As new parents, your babies may not have met many other adults outside your immediate family and it is normal to feel some conflicted emotions around emerging. The immediate post-partum time is naturally quite insular and (ideally!) a time for rest and recuperation - in fact many mums have said to me ‘actually, secretly I quite liked not being able to go out for a few months and having an excuse to not have lots of visitors!’ However there is also a natural progression into wanting to come out and start engaging with your peers, especially with other people who are in the same phase of parenting as you. A desire to check in (especially first time round) with the most commonly uttered phrase ‘Is this normal?!’ Is what my baby doing; eating, sleeping, pooing normal? Is what I am feeling normal? Being able to relate in person and receive the support of a modern day village is vital to our wellbeing and for those of you who have older babies I know that during the last year there have been many needs unmet.

My invitation is to keep checking in and allow yourself to emerge at the pace which suits you. If it’s anything like my (slightly confused) April garden, this pace may change from day to day, and that is ok!

I’m starting an outdoors Birthkeeping Project group for new mamas (newborn to one year) in Queen’s Park on Wednesday mornings 10.30-12.00. It will include some movement suitable for any post-natal stage and a circle space for you to check in and also introduce your beautiful babes! Bring warm clothes (in April anyway!) a yoga mat or blanket and something to drink. All are welcome and a weekly drop-in is fine, however booking is required as spaces are limited. Email thebirthkeepingproject@gmail.com

All my sessions, including bodywork, are now available in person. Outside meets (‘walk n talk’) are also possible if that works better for you. And if you prefer, I continue to offer online 121 meetings, online birth prep sessions with birth partners (a creative version of the usual sessions!) and online postnatal support including breastfeeding support.

For online breastfeeding peer support, join us on the Brighton and Hove group https://www.facebook.com/groups/BreastfeedingPeerSupportBrightonandHove/or get up-to-date information from here https://www.facebook.com/sctbreastfeeding/

Wishing you a peaceful week and do be in touch if you need.